
Generation Green’s Environmental Health Tip of the Week

With all this talk and media coverage of hazardous ingredients in purses and jewelry, it’s about time that we think about making more informed choices of the consumer products we buy. These days, there are many helpful blogs with safety information and consumer ratings of numerous brands that you may be thinking about buying, as well as general tips on how to be a better consumer, protecting the health of your family as well as the environment. Here are some of CEH’s top choices for Environmental Consumer Research blogs:

  • Green Behavior: This blog has an abundance of green information, from data about our personal quests to “go green”, reviews of organic and organic based products to explanations about all new environmental buzzwords.
  • Z Recommends: Z Recommends has been cited by the Washington Post, USA Today, and the Sierra Club for its consumer research and reporting, and is best known by parents and bloggers for its thorough product reviewing as well as its consumer advocacy on issues central to parents’ concerns for the health and safety of their children.
  • Big Green Purse Blog: Written by Diane MacEachern, the founder and CEO of Big Green Purse, this blog encourages women to green the marketplace by choosing products whose use or manufacture offer the greatest environmental benefit. It lists everything from helpful green products reviews to daily environmental news.