
Warning: Your Baby Contains Toxic Chemicals!

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Hundreds of toxic chemicals, including PCBs, DDT, endocrine disruptors, and dioxins — to name just a few — are showing up in mothers’ and their newborn babies’ bodies. These chemicals, found in everyday household products, can get absorbed during a typical morning routine.

Consider this scenario:  the pregnant mom awakens after a night of breathing toxic fumes from a mattress containing chemicals like flame retardants and melamine. She showers with synthetically scented soap, shampoo and conditioner, and uses popular brands of body lotion, moisturizer, sunscreen, cosmetics and perfume that contain hundreds of chemicals which have been linked to cancer, hormone imbalances, and other illnesses. These chemicals may be seriously compromising her health, as well as her unborn baby’s.

Top 10 Ways to Make your Baby Nursery a Safe, Healthy Haven:

  1. Choose a crib mattress made from untreated, nontoxic, natural materials like latex foam rubber, wool and cotton. Use a wool and cotton mattress topper.
  2. Buy a solid wood crib or cradle/Moses basket instead of one made from fiberboard or particleboard (which contain formaldehyde, a known carcinogen).
  3. Use low or no VOC (volatile organic compound) paint for the walls, or paper-based wallpaper instead of vinyl. Traditional wallpaper paste is better than self-stick, which contains high levels of VOCs.
  4. Install wool carpet instead of synthetic. Wool is naturally flame retardant and hypoallergenic.
  5. Stay away from synthetic fragrances in things like dryer sheets, air fresheners and body care products. These contain phthalates — chemicals that interfere with hormones. Use 100% essential oils instead.
  6. Pick all natural, non-toxic cleaning products or try white vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Kill odors with baking soda, lemon juice (or lemon essential oil) and water in a spray bottle. Avoid bleach, ammonia and other harsh chemicals to clean clothes, furniture and carpets.
  7. Stay away from plastic bottles and food storage containers — they contain chemicals that leach into food and water. Use glass or metal instead.
  8. Choose wooden toys with nontoxic paints and finishes; and all-natural fibers like cotton, hemp and wool.
  9. Don’t put electric clocks or cell phones next to the baby’s crib, or use electric heating pads or electric blankets in the crib — these have electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that can negatively impact behavior and health.
  10. Make your home shoeless — remove your shoes, especially before entering bedrooms, so you don’t track in pesticides and other toxic chemicals from the outside.

The 2010 President’s Cancer Panel study says there’s a link between environmental toxins and disease. For information on ways to change the government regulatory practice to the Precautionary Principle, go to the Center for Environmental Health’s (CEH) website.